Saturday 8 November 2014

Vintage Tractor Pattern

I can finally announce the winner of my "guess the next pattern" giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered. I loved all of your guesses, and even if you were not right, perhaps you have given me some new ideas for other vehicles. I particularly like the idea of a snow plough, so you never know, maybe that will be what I work on next.

So we put the names of everyone who said tractor (and there were quite a lot of you) into a hat and the winner is Janet of Yellow Pink and Sparkly. I have sent you a message, so if you let me have your address (I won't publish it) through my comments box your Christmas Heart Decorations will be on their way to you.

Tractor before the mud guards are attached.

I think the tread pattern on the tyres were a bit of a clue. You might also have seen this post about my visit to the North Devon Show, where looking at the Vintage Tractors first gave me the idea.

This has been quite a tricky pattern to write. There has been unravelling, and a bit of frustration. Sometimes it is just like that, and for other patterns everything seems to just fall into place first attempt. The tyres took a lot of work, and I have had to devise my own codes for the cabling. It is a bit complicated, but I did feel that the cable on the tyres to give a deep tread was a really important part of the design. The other bits that caused me a bit of grief were the mud guards. They had to be big enough to curve over the back tyres, but also not so big as to be floppy. 

I also dithered over whether to add the chimney or not. This was partly because I thought it would need to have wire to keep it standing straight. But by making it not too big there is no wire, just wool, so this would still be safe for a child, and I think it does add something.

My two prototypes are for sale in my Etsy shop. My hope is that someone will buy them for a retired farmer, who wants to remember his many happy years on a tractor. 

The pattern is already available on ravelry and Etsy.


  1. I can't imagine creating either the pattern or the tractor. Well done. I'm glad you added the chimney- it's perfect.

  2. Thank you so much Ginny. This is wonderful. I'm amazed at how clever you are in being able to visualise and construct your lovely creations. I've sent my address via Ravelry.

  3. You are such a clever and talented artist! I am always delighted by your designs and ingenuity and find myself wondering, "How did she do that?" I know Janet will treasure her prize!
    Here are my Saturday Snapshots.

  4. What wonderful creations! Congrats on your accomplishment, and thanks for sharing.


  5. I love these - such unusual k bitted pieces. My Snapshot is at

  6. Great tractors! You're very talented, I can barely sew on a button let alone anything else.
    Have a great week.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  7. I can see there is a tremendous amount of work in these patterns. You have captured the tractor attributes perfectly :)

  8. Ah ha a tractor! It's so cute and shows what a talented lady you are :) x

  9. What a lot of work to get all those details just right. I wish my knitting skills were up to it - they would make lovely gifts. x

  10. You are so clever being able to write and design patterns! They are totally adorable and would be great for boys! Xx

  11. Your knitted creations get more and more amazing, goodness knows how you managed to recreate a tyre tread in wool but you've done it! The results are fabulous, well done :) x

  12. totally awesome design! The chimney is needed, looks perfect with it!

  13. I love this! My son would have loved one of those when he was little. I'm very impressed!

  14. I love your tractors, they are so detailed. I'm sure they will be very popular.

  15. What a comfy looking tractor that is. I love seeing what wonderful patterns you come up with.
    Ali xx

  16. How very clever, the tractor tyres especially, and is agree they need a really deep tread - that's the bit that makes them properly tractory

  17. Fantastic - I will have a look for your pattern as my boys would love a tractor!

  18. Great designs, no idea how you set about designing & making them:)

  19. Ha! This is so adorable! :)

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  20. Gorgeous beautiful patterns, thanks for sharing.

  21. Ha ha so cute, Love it. I am sure many boys (both big and small) would love that as a pressie :)

  22. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these tractors! I really should make an Orange Kubota for my husband.

  23. This is the cutest thing I've seen all day! I'll definitely be sharing this with my mom (I don't knit/crochet, but she does) since my three year old would go bonkers over having this under the Christmas tree ;)
