Sunday 25 March 2018

Slow and Steady

I really can't believe that I have only posted once this month. After all the weather has been fairly bad here, and I have been in knitting. I have been working on a new knitted animal, but it just seems to be taking me ages. For a start I had to get the perfect colour for the wool, which meant trips to various wool shops and eventually ordering online, something I have not done before. 

Next I had the difficulty of knowing I had knitted all the pieces, but losing one. The living room has been turned upside down, the dog accused and interrogated. It could not be found. I thought I didn't have enough wool left to reknit, but last night had a go, and I did - just!

So despite plodding along slowly all month, I am going to get to the finish line. Slow and steady. I am getting close, so just thought I would publish a close-up picture and see if anyone can guess what I am knitting. No prizes, just the knowledge that you are right. I think I have given some pretty big hints.


  1. Tortoise? Whatever animal it will be fantastic as always. Have a good week

  2. I'm guessing a turtle, a really great looking one, can't wait! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  3. Ooo, will it be a tortoise perhaps?? The weather has been pretty pants hasn't it, until today when we had a most gorgeous spring day - I gather it's all change later in the week again :-(

  4. There's a German saying "gut Ding will Weile haben" (= good things need time), so all will turn out great in the end!

  5. Sometimes we just need a little break to get refreshed, and ready to get to work again. Looking forward to seeing your project :)


  6. Thank you for guessing, and well done to those of you who said tortoise. You can see the finished tortoise now at
