Friday 1 March 2013

Leafy Child's Cowl

I've been working away at a new pattern, which I've decided to call The Leafy Cowl. (I toyed with the idea of calling it either the Fairy Cowl, or Pixie Cowl, but I think I have finally settled on Leafy.) It is knitted in Debbie Bliss Blue Faced Leicester Aran, but other similar weight wools would work well. The pattern is now available on Ravelry. Just click on the links in my sidebar.

This pattern has some simple cabling on the neck section, as I wanted it to be really cosy. It also has a tension gauge, a recommended wool and yardage details. 

I usually call my knits quick, but the leaves (of which there are 25 in all) took me two evenings to knit. I guess you might say that is not really long, but I had to knit a few prototypes before I did this final version, so feel a bit leafed-out. Compared with some of my other patterns there is quite a lot of knitting (and also running in of ends).

Here is Little One in the cowl, and I am in the process of knitting an adult version. At first she was a very reluctant model, until she decided to draw up a modelling contract where she gets a percentage of any pattern sales. We haggled a bit, as she tried to also get a flat rate for each photo I took. Smart girl, but since I take about 10 bad photos for every OK one I didn't agree to this! Sorry about our slightly shabby side alley. Originally I had decided to take some fairy photos in the woods with Little One posed on a tree stump in a dress, but in the end preferred these ones taken at home at the side of the house. This is a cowl for a girl who might turn her hand to a bit of carpentry or DIY.

Little One is ten, although very small for her age. The cowl would fit most children between 4 and 13. Teenagers and adults should wait for the adult size pattern. The cowl has a stretchy double cast-on edge, which is very elastic. If you are not familiar with the double cast-on method I have made a photo tutorial, which I have put in a new knitting tips corner that will remain in my sidebar. I am also thinking of doing a separate Baby Leafy Cowl, probably in a softer finer wool.

I'm really happy with how the cowl has turned out. It will be so useful, as it smartens up any outfit, and is very cosy, and I hope it has a quirky stylishness. I drew some of my inspiration from the flower fairy books, by Cicely Mary Barker.


  1. Beautiful cowl! Love it!
    And you have a very smart girl!
    In a few years she will be creating patterns too! But now only a percentage of the profits!!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. I think it has a lot of quirky stylishness...well done! Can't believe she thought of all those details for her modeling contract...LOL.

  3. fun cowl for a young one!!!!!

  4. That cowl is adorable...along with your model.

  5. What a pretty cowl, I love the leafy pattern! Your pictures turned out great! :)

  6. Love the design, look forward to the pattern! Frankie is indeed a smart girl, she's definitely a CEO material ;)

  7. I think it's very fun. Nice job!

  8. Love it!!!! That is brilliant with the leaves...great job!

  9. This sounds very complicated, but it turned out beautiful. Lovely model too. Here's Mine

  10. I like the way she negotiated her Adorable model, and "leafy cowl" is the perfect name for your creation. I like the contrast between the soft hues, the pretty girl, and the "slightly shabby" side alley.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  11. Exquisite knitting ~ Model is adorable and quite bright I am sure ~ Great photos ^_^

  12. That is beautiful - you are so imaginative with your knitting patterns. My Snapshot is at

  13. It's so pretty, and functional!

  14. BEAUTIFUL and creative!!

    Lovely model too!!

    THANKS for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  15. Impressive, both the pattern and the model :)

  16. I love it! Had to smile at Frankie's smarts.

  17. She and the cowl are both beautiful!

  18. Oh,my! The scarf turned out fantastic!
    Maybe it was tedious but totally worth it!

  19. That's beautiful! Definitely quirky and fun. :)

  20. Gorgeous, and such a sweet model! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  21. That is adorable. And your model is amazing in it. Two nights sounds pretty quick to me.

  22. I love this. Warm and stylish.

  23. Very lovely cowl- wise move to call it the 'Leafy Cowl'- that way it can be unisex- I think a little boys one in brown would be cute, but don't think may boys would agree to wear it if it were a 'pixie' or 'fairy' cowl!

  24. A lovely pattern but sewing in all those ends.......ahhhhh!!!!

  25. Good name - it does look pixie-ish but Leafy is not so specialised! Clever girl negoatiating a modelling rate - hope my daughter never reads your post!!!

  26. Awesome design and such a sweet model!

  27. Aww Frankie looks so beautiful in your lovely cowl! :) I love the nature influence.. perfect for a little one with a love of the outdoors :) x

  28. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #72!

  29. Beautiful design. Absolutely lovely!

  30. Really lovely - and a great model too :)
    My daughter insisted I cropped her head off the photos last time I got her to model for me!

  31. That does look warm! Lovely job :)

  32. How lovely! I think Frankie makes a fantastic model which should boost your sales dramatically :)

  33. My you are crafty...a beautiful cowl design. Your daughter is a smart one...and very photogenic. Lovely photos! I really enjoyed Sophie's garden party outfit too!

    Thanks for visiting my blog~

  34. Oh that is wonderful - I will have to learn to knit so that I can make one for Daisy. Love the colour too. I think I will also have to persuade one of my knitting friends to make an adult one for me.

  35. What a beautiful cowl! Frankie is a great model and I think is one to watch in the future as she's obviously a very good negotiator! I'd love to make myself the adult version when the pattern's published :-)

  36. I love love love this! It's so unusual and pretty! My daughter (who's 4) would adore it, so I'm going to see if my Mum thinks she'd be brave enough to try it! Well done Frankie on her bargaining skills too :-) Simmi x

  37. Gorgeous cowl,very eye catching and original.

  38. This is lovely, it lends itself to so many other colours too. Well done to Frankie for these great photo's.

    Jan x

  39. Such a lovely cowl - great colour too. Hope you have a good week.

  40. Lovely design. Very clever of her to negotiate for agreeing to be in the photos. A future businesswoman perhaps?

  41. I envy your knitting speed! This is adorable!

  42. Well I think it looks lovely on Frankie. Congratulations on the design. I like the colour too.
    endy x

  43. It looks so complicated! Well done you!

  44. How lovely-both the cowl and the person wearing it.

  45. Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  46. So pretty, makes me wish I knew how to knit.:) Thanks so much for sharing on Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring this in this week's issue.:)

  47. Beautiful... and YES it could be called a fairy or pixie cowl as well! Your model is beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday!! Hope you stop by again today!

  48. This is so beautiful. I have no idea how to knit (or crochet...) but I so love the beauty of the art. Your pattern is gorgeous. To my non-knitting brain, the fact that you did all those leaves in two evenings seems miraculous (Leafy Cowl is a great name). Thank you for sharing this. Lynaea @

  49. this is gorgeous!! and it seems you have a little entrepreneur on your hands there!

  50. adorable cowl! Thanks for sharing this at The Weekly Creative.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  51. Some real 'model girl' shots there Frankie! XXX
