Friday 5 July 2013

Monkey Business

I have finished my Baboon Pattern, and placed it on ravelry. It has been a bit of a slog, but three baboons later I have the final version. The nose was lengthened and then shortened. The shoulders were made narrower. The neck thicker. Ears added. I could continue ....  

Then off down the garden for the photoshoot.  I do think my neighbours may genuinely think I'm a bit mad. "She's arranging woolly things in her trees again!"

This pattern has been a real learning experience for me. I am happy with the final result, but this toy is not an easy knit. Well actually that isn't true. The knitting is really quite straight forward, but it is the construction that is tricky.  The pattern has photographs and diagrams to help. The head is made of five different panels. I really had to try to balance keeping it simple, but also getting the end result right.

If anyone does knit him I would love to see your finished baboon. Although any double knit wool would work, I do love this Sirdar Escape DK, and the variation in colour makes it perfect. I found some for sale at Black Sheep Wools.

So I guess this is the final word on baboons or mandrills for now. Or should I say the bottom line!

I'm have put these two baboons in my Etsy Shop for non-knitters.


  1. Well done on getting your pattern finished.

    You have every right to be pleased as they're really cute. I love the cheeky photo of his bum!! xx

  2. Cheeky bum indeed! It's wonderful!

  3. Well done, chicky-boom. Wow.

  4. wow! Great job on the baboons - and your fairies are super cute as well!

  5. Oh my goodness! He is amazing!! I would buy him in a heartbeat!

  6. How wonderful but that does look like a lot of work. I sort of collect monkeys and this would make a colorful addition!

  7. Those are adorable! I know I wouldn't be able to do something like that... a credit to you!

  8. That is amazing - they are beautiful, and there must be so much work in them, especially as the proportions and details and everything all look so perfect. They really do look like baboons. My Snapshot is at

  9. Adorable! And placing them in the trees is fun and creative. Hope the neighbors got an eye full! lol

    Thanks for sharing. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  10. This might be might favorite pattern of yours.

  11. These are just too cute! So accurate too. You are amazing!

  12. Just adorable! P.s. Got my little fairy girl and she is peeping over my computer as I type! Thanks so much!

    1. So glad she got to you safely and you like her. It felt very funny sending her on such a long journey!

  13. How adorable! I love the colorful tush!

  14. So much fun! The faces are great and the rainbow behind makes me chuckle. Great job. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  15. Oh my that is one cute baboon! Love the colors. My kids would freak out. You are very talented to be developing such a complicated pattern.

  16. Congrats on finishing the pattern. Simply adorable and I love the details in the face :)

  17. These are so lovely and cute! Wooly baboons. Love them. Thanks for posting! ;)

  18. Very cute baboon you have there! Well worth the work I'd say ;) -And great jungle shots...

  19. You are SO creative. My mom loves to look at your creations!

    Here is my post

  20. What a cute baboon! Wonderful work.

  21. The best artists are rather mad, aren't they? :-) You have far more patience than me for knitting fun creatures, but I love seeing your photos of them. They're adorable!

  22. Very cute baboons and love the colourful baboon bum!!

  23. Love the photography, well worth the possibility of neighbours thinking you're a bit mad (my neighbours are probably convinced I am!)

  24. The perseverance paid off. They are lovely. mad or not your photos are really great. Well done. :)Good job the weather has warmed up nicely for them! ;)

  25. Well done on finishing the pattern. The baboons are fab, and I love the colour of the bum! I can't wait to see what you come up with next for you to photograph down the garden!
    Have a fab week!

  26. I think this must have been a real labour of love! What a fantastic result you achieved in the end though :)

  27. Hahaha, this will be the most bizarre comment I've ever posted but what a cute face and bum!

  28. The detail on the face is amazing. You must be so patient. Great photos of the baboons out in the wild.
    Ali x

  29. hehe :) this is so fun! you have got the shape and colours of the face just right and i love the colourful bum! x

  30. That is so cute! Both the front end and the back end are just perfect!

    Joy's Book Blog

  31. What a great idea to take pictures in the 'jungle' that is at the back of your garden - it really suits your baboons!

  32. What a fabulous 'bottom line'! Your work is lovely and I love to see the various places your 'star' has been posing in. Hope you have a good week.

  33. Perfect setting for your photo shoot! They're brilliant. Love how you've done the face, and such a glorious bottom!

  34. This is the cutest pattern ever! I love how you did have face. Soooo talented. Have a wonderful week.

  35. 12 pages is a lot of instructions. The finished baboon looks great though so all that reading will be worth it :-)

  36. That baboon totally rocks. Great job!

  37. Well done on your funny little guy--I admire anyone who can design a pattern!

  38. Oh how funny. Love the bottom!

  39. wow, you're truly talented! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  40. So cute and so clever! Love these little guys!

  41. So adorable!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  42. Wow! It is great, I love his tail and his face!

  43. Your baboons are adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday! I hope to see you again today!
