Sunday 21 June 2015


I have finished my New York cab knitting pattern, and knitted it has reminded me of the TV comedy Taxi. Oh the lovely drivers of the Sunshine Cab Company. Taxi never seems to be repeated on UK TV, so I have not really thought about it since I used to watch in the late 1970s early 1980s. I used to love this show. I think mainly at the time because I had a bit of a crush at Tony Danza. (OK, I was very young.) I have been watching some clips on YouTube, but these days I just find myself drooling at glimpses of those lovely shiny yellow cabs in the background. How times have changed!

So many great people! First time I had seen Danny Devito, and also Christopher Lloyd. I think my favourite character was Latka (played by the late Andy Kaufman).

As you can see I have used a bit of trickery to transport my cab to New York. It is just balanced in front of a computer screen, but I think it has done the job.

So having discovered how to link to Youtube clips, here are the show credits. This instantly takes me back in time?

My knitting pattern is finished, and available Craftsy, ravelry and Etsy. It is really not a hard knit, but there is a bit of fiddling sewing up. (Have I managed to put you off?) I hope not as the end result is really cute, but if you just can't wait to own a taxi, I am putting my two samples cabs into my Etsy shop. I am sort of hoping they might find their way to someone in New York.


  1. Fantastic, congratulations and thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  2. Amazing, well done. I think the idea of the New York backdrop is brilliant.

  3. I have faint memories of Taxi, but we didn't have a tv at the time! Great knitted taxi, it would be great if it went to a new home in New York!

  4. This has got the Vanessa Paradis song Joe le Taxi going round in my head now, lol oops that dates me a bit. I think it should go to NY too

  5. This is so cute. I love it!

  6. Supercute car!!! It's fantastic!!

  7. Thanks for releasing the pattern, your taxi is totally charming!

  8. Isn't that cute? I can't say as I watched Taxi as I was very young when it came out...but I've heard of it and how funny the show was. I switched from knitting to crochet because I could NOT figure out how to knit in a round. Even with personal instruction AND videos. :sigh: Crocheting seems so much easier to me! (I love the blueberry clutch!)

  9. The yellow cab is such an iconic vehicle, well done on completing the pattern. I love your banner too, daisies are one of my favorite flowers.
    Jan x

  10. This is awesome, I want to make my own now! I don't think I've seen that show but I do love a bit of Christopher Lloyd... :)

  11. Great taxi! Thanks for sharing...and have a great weekend. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  12. Oh wow, this is great and very creative :)

    Hope you can stop by my blog hop later : Creative Mondays and link up :)

  13. This turned out just fabulous. I was lucky enough to visit new York with some friends earlier in the year and we saw one or two of these!

  14. Wow, taxi is amazing. I did not know that such things can conjure up. Cool.

  15. Saw this on the Creative Mondays Blog Hop. This is such a great idea, pinned to my Wish To Make: Kids Pinterest board. Diane @ Mrs U Makes.

  16. This is adorable! All the little details you put into it too... Love it!
