Saturday 6 February 2016

WIP - No Teddy Bears Were Harmed in the Making of This Project ...

WARNING - Some of you may find these photos distressing

Poor old teddy, but he has been so helpful, as head is just the right shape. I have been working really hard on this new teddy bear pattern. I want him to be a perfect traditional old-fashioned bear.

I am probably not even half way there yet, as I have done the arms, and I am working out the shaping for the head panels using Eric the Bear as my assistant. On the final pattern his head will, I hope, be knitted in one piece. This is not the way I usually work, but the shape I need is fairly precise and unusual. Nothing is going to be knitted in the round, because I find working flat means I can use short rows to get extra curves and bulges where I need them. A teddy should have a bit of a round tum.

Teddy may take a few more weeks, and then there will be test knitting, so probably even longer before I release the pattern. He is going to be jointed, so I also need to check out where I can buy some toymakers joints. 

For me this is a fairly big project. For this first version I am rapidly getting through some wool that I unravelled from a pullover. My mum enjoyed helping me with this at Christmas, and although she can't really see well enough to knit now, she is a pretty good unraveller.


  1. Oh, wow! What a beautiful, soft teddy you are creating! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. I'm always amazed at the 3D shapes you form by knitting. You've given us a little bit of an inside view here. Thank you.

  3. Your creations continue to amaze me. I'm looking forward to seeing the knitted Teddy once it's complete.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features my grandmother.

  4. I love teddy bears, so I am eager to see how this one turns out. Thanks for sharing, and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  5. It going to be fabulous! Great work and a good assistant too!

  6. What an excellent project! I love traditional teddy bears. I'm so glad you are keeping them alive. I hope you'll share your progress in this project and, of course, the final product.

  7. Eric is clearly an excellent helper. Can't wait to see the finished teddy.

  8. It's very clever the way you're making this pattern! You must have a lot of patience! Looking forward to seeing the finished bear :)

  9. You are so clever doing that teddy pattern. He is going to look magical when you've finished him.

  10. That is brilliant, even though poor teddy looks a bit like Hannibal Lecter or Bane right now, bless him!

  11. I was going with the Hannibal Ski-Mask look myself... ;-] But, hey it's -8C here right now and still lots of snow on the ground, so Teddys wearing woolly "masks" aren't much a stretch around here! - Actually, it's all rather clever "designing"! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  12. It is coming up well and I am excited about the cute result you are going to have. :)

  13. He is beautiful and such a good idea to get a pattern, cannot wait to see when finished.

  14. I love your teddy! And I do really like the old fashioned style of how his head is made in pieces. It lends to the old fashioned look. Amazing work!

  15. Oh he is quite amazing, you can already see what a gorgeous shape knitted teddy is going to have so I'm sure Eric the bear won't mind too much!

  16. Can't wait to see it finished! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week! Pinned!

  17. Wow very cool to get an insight into some of your designing processes. Looking forward to seeing your finished pattern

  18. oh wow...what a wonderful project! I can't wait to see him :)

  19. I've been meaning to make stuffed animals for my kiddos! I can't wait to see teddy when you're all done. Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  20. I'll be interested to see how the teddy bear turns out! Right now, he kind of looks like Hannibal Lector!

  21. It looks a little like a Teddy torture device, but I'm sure the finished project will be worth it!
