Friday 4 November 2016

Colours and Scents

It seems a long time since I wrote on my blog, and I still have nothing completed. But I thought you might like to see a little section of my baby vest which I am knitting in a larger size. Isn't this wool absolutely lush! The colours really are as lovely as in the photos. I may have to knit myself something in this wool.

At the weekend we went to Kent to visit my mum. She lives in sheltered housing, and with a little bit of help from family and carers, is still (fiercely) independent. We had lunch out, and a shopping trip. As we left she once again gave me the cut lavender, picked from the communal gardens. Nobody else seems to want it. So I have spent the morning in a lovely scented haze in my living room removing it from the stems.  I love the way that she has properly bagged it up. So now just to think of an interesting design for some lavender bags ...


  1. You can't beat the smell of lavender, it's so soothing. The colour of the yarn is scrumptious, just the sort of colours that I'm drawn to.

  2. I love lavender and use a lot in my stitched items, loved by young and old.

    That wool is lush and would make a lovely adult jumper for the cold winter mornings.

  3. That yarn is incredible - what brand is it? (With my luck, it's a one of a kind skein.)

  4. I love lavender, I should do more with ours. #TheRealCraftyLinkParty

  5. This is such a beautiful gift from your mum! We love our lavender bags and put them between our clothes but also besides our beds for a calm sleep :-) Your wool looks so bright and vibrant - such a happy thing amongst this wintery grey and muted browns.

  6. Oh, I love lavender (and I love that yarn too). Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week!
