Thursday, 17 November 2016

"Goodbye Reading Ninja Wizards"

The title of this post probably needs to be explained. I am changing jobs, and have just come home from my last day at my current school (where I work as a teaching assistant). I am moving to a new school to work in the school office. Exciting times, and I am very sad to say goodbye to a lovely school where I have made a lot of friends.

To say farewell to one group of children, with whom I read every week, I have made them a Flat Rat bookmark, from a pattern by Susan Glinert Stevens. With this group we don't just practise reading (they are all pretty good readers), but some of the skills that help comprehension and inference. So we talk about what we have read, ask questions, try to predict what might be coming next, etc. All the things that you probably do when you are reading without even realising it. When choosing a name for the group the children couldn't quite agree, which is why they became the "Reading Ninja Wizards". 

I used this pattern which is free on ravelry, although I knitted the head flat and sewed up a seam. I also slightly went my own way with the paws and ears. 

It also means I will be saying goodbye to my lunchtime knitting club, run with the lovely Joyce, which also makes me sad. But I am also excited about facing a new challenge. 

"Watch out, we may be flat, but we are coming to get you!"


  1. These are lovely. I think I'll have to make a few. I'm sure they are all going to miss you. Good luck in your new school.

  2. So cute - all the best on your new career :-) x

  3. Good luck with your new school and new role. Lovely gifts, the children will adore them.

  4. What a lovely idea!

    And I know the pain of leaving a beautiful group of teaching colleagues - I still miss my old crew!

  5. Such cute and useful bookmarks, and so appropriate for your Reading Ninjas.

    Thanks for sharing, and I hope you enjoy your new job. Goodbyes are hard, though.


  6. Adorable! You are so clever. Those Flat Rats will surely inspire the children to read and remind them of you.
    I hope you enjoy your new job. Best of luck!
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  7. What adorable little gifts! They are a great idea for readers of all ages.

  8. Those are too funny, and I really need some bookmarks for my kids, so thanks for the inspiration! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday

  9. Love these! And congratulations on your new job!

  10. Absolutely darling, and good luck in your new job :D - Chris #handmademonday

  11. What a wonderful gift to make for each child:) So fitting too. All the very best for your new job:)

  12. The Reading Ninja Wizards are adorable! As a former teacher, I appreciate the story behind this craft.

    We both made changes this fall. I resigned a teaching job to work at a church office. Here's to us both loving our new positions!

  13. Love the flat rat they are so sweet. Good luck in your new adventure.

  14. What adorable bookmarks. The kids will love them. #handmademonday

  15. Exciting times ahead for you with a lovely new job. I've never seen such cute rats, I am sure the children will be delighted to receive them.


    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  16. They are so much fun, simultaneously super cute and a little bit grisly! Good luck in the new job, exciting times.

  17. Oh my goodness, those bookmarks are adorable!

    Congrats on the new job!

  18. Oh, how adorable!! I want to make one too!
    All the best for you and your new job!

  19. Haha these are so cute what a great idea. :) x

  20. What cute book marks! Great idea! I would imagine the kids loved them :)

  21. Wonderful - I love it!
    Greatings, ZamJu
