Saturday, 31 July 2021

Ginx Woolly Linx Party August


I seem to have been very distracted this month, and somehow have posted nothing since the last link party. That has not happened for a long time, but I will be showing you something I made for a customer on Etsy for a birthday, and did not want to possibly spoil the surprise. I also am very busy gardening, and will post about my little vegetable plot soon too.

July seems to have been nearly all about animals.

Tonna of Sew Crafty Crochet has made a cute bee for a friend, and it has been hanging out with her morning glory and sunflower on her porch.

I love seeing handknit socks, and Carolyn of Flickensalat has been taking part in a sock challenge. Hard to know which ones to pick, but I liked the subtle grey of this wool.

Liz's daughter, of Howling at the Moon, wanted to give her teachers crochet versions of their own dogs. What a thoughtful gift, they really must have been delighted with this.

And finally Eli of Ovillo de Eli has made a little swallow, and also shows the photos of the real birds that inspired her.

So please link up to show me what you have been working on in August. I hope you might have had the chance to get away somewhere, and craft in a different location. That is quite difficult at the moment.