Thursday, 6 February 2025

Batik Printing (A Game of Two Halves)

I'm continuing with my community printing course in Okehampton, and was looking forward to moving on to batik. The above is an exercise we did the first week. The idea was to divide the fabric, and use different techniques in each quarter. Top right - looking at how the ink and water spread, top left - printing with the wax on various objects, bottom left - using brushes, bottom right - trailing the wax with a tjanting. I have to say I didn't really enjoy this week. I'm not very steady-handed, and I didn't see how I could ever do a nice design, controlled design.

So knowing that, I decided that my next piece was not going to be controlled. Haven't made that decision I had a great time. I told my husband it was echinacea flowers in a rain shower, and his reaction was "looks more like a blizzard". Still didn't really enjoy applying the wax, but there was something lovely about painting on the inks and letting the colours merge. A lovely lady on the course has got her husband to make her and me adjustable batik frames, so I think you may be going to see some more batik here.

So having learned all the techniques we are now moving on to the community part of the course. Two of us are going into a local primary school with the teacher, to help with some block printing workshops. We are all also moving on to combine some of the techniques we have learned, and each make a banner for the school based on the local park. So there will be more printing coming ...