Saturday 9 March 2013

"I'm Henry The Eighth I Am ..."

We had a school trip to Hampton Court Palace this week. I have some great photos of my class, which unfortunately I don't have permission to post, but here are a few that I can.

As we arrived at the palace we were greeted by this man, and we were convinced he must be Henry VIII. He told us he wasn't, but just a guard. 

The children were all slightly obsessed with the idea that we might see a ghost as some parts of Hampton Court are reportedly haunted. Some were fearful about this, but most gleeful. I had reassured some of the nervous ones that we almost certainly would not see any Tudors. But as we were just about to enter the Royal Appartments, when to our shock out burst a very grumpy Henry VIII. He ordered us out of the way, and then disappeared at speed down the stairs with one of his wives. For me me this was one of the highlights of the trip.

Later we were also impressed with some beautiful paintings. This one we learned could not actually have been sat for, as Henry is flanked by Edward VI and his mother Jane Seymour, who died shortly after his birth.

I also thought you might like to see this rather interesting royal toilet. How many royal botties might have sat here?

Sorry if the pictures are not the greatest quality, as I was snapping very quickly, while making sure we didn't lose anyone. Any school trip where you come back with the same number of children you set off with is a success!


  1. Thanks for the journey into royal places....especially that royal toilet! lol

    The surprise visitors must have been a high point of the day.


  2. What a fascinating place to visit- down to the royal privvy! Great photos.

  3. I'd have wanted to see a ghost, too! The picture with the back of Henry has nice angles.

  4. Haha! What a terrific school trip! And I have to laugh ... doing headcounts when on school trips is always such an adventure ... like herding hummingbirds!

  5. Oh, wouldn't I love to go to this place with you?! Well, I suppose I have! Thank you.

    Here's my Saturday Snapshot.

  6. What an incredible experience! I love the pictures and the toilet makes me laugh... that was the royal toilet? I am afraid to ask what the impoverish ones were like... a hole in the ground I bet.

  7. Jealous of your school trip. I hate to imagine what the non-royal toilets were like!Here's Mine

  8. What a fun trip! Thanks for sharing the tour...I really enjoyed it a lot. Looks like you did too! I love the photo of the Henry VIII walking down the stairs - that's one to be framed for sure!

  9. AWESOME photos...I love touring places like that and going back in time. LOL on Henry popping out. :)


    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  10. What an awesome field trip!

  11. Fabulous photos, and what a great day out. My Snapshot is at

  12. Now that is what I call a field trip. How cool!

  13. Great photos! I've visited Hampton Court many times and it's never enough.

  14. What a wonderful field trip! So much history and beauty, and it sounds like it was fun for the kids, too.

  15. I really enjoyed these photos. Yes, the guard does look Henry VIII ish :)

  16. I visited Hampton Courts over 10 yrs. ago. I'd enjoyed all the historical heritage and the magnificent structure. Thanks for these photos... bring back fond memories.

  17. I visited Hampton Courts over 10 yrs. ago. I'd enjoyed all the historical heritage and the magnificent structure. Thanks for these photos... bring back fond memories.

  18. What a lovely school trip! I want to visit Hampton Court the next time I visit England. I've always loved the story behind that portrait of Henry VIII with Edward VI and Jane...Henry tended to say that Jane was his only true wife since she's the only one who gave him a son. He's such an interesting historical figure!

  19. Love it! I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #73!

  20. Ooh, a velvet seat♫ Why am I not surprised....My Top Shot:

  21. Great school trip pictures! Brings back memories of trips to Stratford Upon Avon.
    Just to let you know I have nominated you for a Leibster blog award. Please see my blog for details.
    Wendy x

  22. What a fun trip. it's cool that they're wearing costumes. Makes one wonder and imagine the life during those era. Plus, it would be adorable to hear some long-forgotten accent or something.

  23. What fun! I love the photo of the guard and description of Henry VIII's gruff manner. Sounds like a great place to visit!

    Joy's Book Blog
