Sunday 28 April 2013

Little Mermaids

I have a craft fair coming up in May, and have realised that I need to make a few new things for my table.  Usually it is my little knits that sell best, and as this is not just a craft fair, but a family fun day, this will probably be the case again. So keeping with my seaside theme, I have been knitting these little creatures all week. 

Frankie would like the little mermaids to have bras, but I am insisting they are just baby mermaids, and so don't need clothes. Really it is because although I am dipping a toe into the pool of cuteness, I don't want to completely dive into Disnification.

I am thinking that I might make a few fairies, or just little dolls. Though they would also need clothes I guess. So watch this space! I can't quite decide whether to put the mermaid on ravelry as a pattern. It is such a little knit, but perhaps if there were a few other options, it would make a nice pattern. It is quite fun deciding on hair colours and styles.


A small selection of my fairies and mermaids are available to buy in my Etsy Shop.


  1. I'm definitely in seaside mood at the moment so your lovely mermaids are making me smile :)
    I think you are right not to dress them up and I'm sure they will be much appreciated at the craft fair.

  2. I love your mermaids - very cute. Definitely best as they are - you don't see many mermaids with clothes on do you? :0) Hope you have a good week.

  3. Children, especially little girls will love these mermaids at your fair. I hope have a good one.

  4. Really liking the mermaids. The hair is amazing :)

  5. They are adorable, so cute. My daughter (5 years old) would love one, so I don't think you'll have any problem selling them. x

  6. They are very cute - having different hair colours is great for buyers. Fairies would be very good too though! a small wand would be quick to make!

  7. These will be lovely at a craft fair, I think little girls will like to buy ones with their own hair colouring. Fairies a re a great idea too... I love fairies :)

    Jan x

  8. Awww these are cute!! I love the different hair and tail combos :) x

  9. Incredible work. You are talented, be proud.

  10. These will be perfect for your fair! They are adorable.

  11. Love the mermaids. Keep them as they are though. No need for the shells ;)

  12. Love these! I'm sure you'll do really well...and the mouse in your sidebar is soo cute too :)

  13. They're so cute. I love the flowing red hair xx

  14. These are the sweetest things...I am sure they will swim right off you table in a blink of an

  15. Lovely mermaids! So pretty :) Thank you for stopping by my blog. Elisabeth x

  16. Awww they're gorgeous! Loving the seaside theme :-) Simmi x

  17. So sweet! Love mermaids!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  18. Coupling the sea shells with the mermaids is absolutely perfect. How about little sailing boats or fish for the boys (and girls)? Love the seaside theme and your mermaids are beautiful.

  19. Oh, so, cute! Babies indeed. :)

  20. These are so cute! I like your seashells from another post too.
    Thank you for stopping by at Polonica: Home Again.

  21. How adorable are they?!

    Thanks so much for linking up to And Sew We Craft Together!

    Amy x

  22. They're precious!! Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  23. Gorgeous! As usual! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday!! Hope to see you again today!
