Monday 3 March 2014

Henrietta 2CV

When I met my husband there was another woman in his life. She was French and flamboyant, and had great style. She could also be difficult first thing in the morning. She was called Henrietta.

Ok, Henrietta was his car, a red 2CV, and I very soon came to love her too. In fact my husband taught me to drive in her. And despite her gearstick shaped like an umbrella handle, I passed my driving test in her (having failed in four other cars). Fifth time was the charm!

When we moved into our first flat and had no furniture we would remove her back seats every evening to use as our sofa, and then put them back in her in the morning if we wanted to go somewhere.

Henrietta posing in a lavender field in Provence ...

And that first summer together we heading off around Europe in Henrietta. Without any very precise plans we drove to the south of France, and then to Italy. On the journey back plucky Henrietta made it over the Alps and through Germany. Once or twice we had to push start her, but she never completely let us down.

... and me posing in a lavender field in Provence

But then one day there were too many cold, damp mornings when we couldn't get her to start. And then with plans for a baby on the way we were also worried that she wasn't particularly fast or safe on long journeys. Perhaps we were also getting a bit older, and a bit softer. So with deep regret we let Henrietta go, and moved on to a much more sensible car - Neville (but that is another story.)

I resolved this year to have more fun with my knitting, but also to make things that are much more personal to me. So despite the idea seeming ridiculous here is Henrietta - 2CV. 

Although I am not really expecting that many people will want to knit a 2CV I have written up the instructions as a pattern. There is a colourwork chart and shaping to follow, panels to sew together, and little wheels and headlamps to sew on. You have been warned, this is not an easy knit. But then again you will have made a car out of wool. 

I have really tried to be as accurate as I can to the original Henrietta. The most obvious thing I have not included are wing mirrors, as I thought these would require wire, and then not make it safe as a toy. Although I think most 2CV fans are adults, so would probably think this is more of an ornament than toy. 

The red one is going to be a part of hubby's birthday present, I have also knitted a little green friend, so if you are not a knitter that car is for sale in my Etsy shop. I am now trying to find the just right shade of burgundy to knit the black/burgundy model, so some more cars will appear in my shop soon. Though do contact me if you have a particular colour 2CV that brings back memories for you, and I will see what I can do.


  1. They are SO cute, and what a lovely way to remember Henrietta. My first car was a blue mini called U2 - because it had loads of rattles and hums.... xx

  2. These are great! My mother had a red 2CV once too. I loved it. Unfortunatelly, when I learnt to drive she had a Renault 4, which was wonderful too. So sad, all cars look the same nowadays. :-)

  3. What an amazing knitting project. I greatly admire your construction skills. This looks like it took a lot of planning and calculation.

  4. So fun! I love a good fun knitting project.

  5. Gorgeous! Love your knitted Henrietta. I learnt to drive in a yellow 2CV called Primrose - remember her fondly now, but at the time there were quite a few starting issues! Now have an equally unpredictable camper called Betty. Had a go at making a small knitted Betty last year, which was a lot of fun :)

  6. OMG...this is so cute! My son(3yrs) would love this. Might be too complicated for me though...hmm.

  7. Amazing projects!! Both are very cute.

  8. Both cars are sooooo cool! You keep surprising me with your skills and the story is lovely to read. Thanks for sharing.

  9. These have got to be some of the coolest knitted things I have EVER seen. Incredible! xx

  10. Oh my goodness, these are awesome!

  11. aww the old loves. We still have my husbands first old pickup truck that he broke showing off driving up and down my drive way - he was 18 & I was 16 smile. The old truck has sat in the carshed over the years but with a surge of time and energy we are hoping to have it going again for our 30th wedding anniversary in a couple of years to go on a little road trip. I sure enjoyed your post and your little knitted Henrietta. Love leanne

  12. Love these! I had to share this post with my husband too, love the story that goes along with these.

  13. Seriously - you never seize to amaze me at how incredible your creations are! these are adorable!

  14. These are amazing! Now my hubby wants me to make him his first love - a red Renault Five, LOL.

  15. So adorable! The red is definitely my favorite. Your pictures are lovely.

  16. i love your story about your 2cv (my hubby has similar stories to tell... ☺)
    and i truly adore your knitted henrietta and her friend - it's gorgeous, a great idea for a birthday present!!!
    regards, dana

  17. That is a great story! You are some kind of creative genius, I love how your cars turned out!

  18. But how cute! What a great idea and kudos to you for designing it :)

  19. This is the BEST!!! Love it!

  20. What a cute way to commemorate a wonderful memory. And less expensive to maintain!

  21. What a great story that is. All the best cars need names, the ones with the most personality. Henrietta looks great in front of the lavender- as do you too.

  22. I love the real Henrietta and the created one! Love the photo of you, too. Lovely photo of you in the lavender field. What wonderful memories. Have a great day, Ginny!

  23. This is amazing!! My car (which is the only one I've ever had an coming up for 17 years old,10 of those in my service) is a GOLD Nissan Micra with leopard spots. I'm definitely going to think about doing something like this for it! You are an inspiration.

  24. Thanks for sharing the story as it makes the knitted cars even more special. It is great that you were able to put so much detail into the cars and you should be proud that you were able to make it. I never knew the one could knit a car.

  25. Whow, this is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!

  26. Your knitting talent is amazing! I enjoyed Henrietta's story - it would make a good children's book - and the photos enhanced your narrative. Thanks for a delightful Saturday Snapshot.

  27. Those are so precious - I love it! I have a soft spot for one of my old cars too, but I can't knit or draw so she will have to stay in my memories.

  28. What fun memories and a great way to share them. I am always amazed at the sculptured things you knit. You are definitely talented.

  29. Beautiful story and amazing little cars! You are just so dang talented!!!!

  30. they are so amazing,i really love the red car!!!!!!
    never knew you can knit something like this!!!!!!

  31. My goodness, you are SO clever! My first car was a cavalier called......Julian. Don't ask. It was something to do with the number plate....

  32. It was lovely reading the story behind the inspiration for your hand knitted car. I think it looks wonderful. Your so clever.
    Ali xx

  33. Great knitted cars of one of the most iconic cars - in my book at least! I've also got stories to tell of a 2CV backseat making itself useful - ;))) x

  34. I love your story of Henrietta, what a lovely keepsake for you both and very clever too, you never cease to amaze me with your wonderful knits :)

    Jan x

  35. Only one word for these - amazing! I know just the person who NEEDS me to make one of these for them!

  36. I love your knitted cars and the original! Great to have so many memories in it.

  37. It's such a lovely story and an amazing knit. The only car I ever named was Bertha a Mazda 929 (or the Battlebus as DH called it). Most cars don't have enough character now. Well done you.

  38. Your talent leaves me speechless, these are just beyond adorable! I also really enjoyed the wonderful story that you told alongside them x

  39. REALLY amazing!!!!! You are an artist full of talent! Pinned! Thanks for sharing such work! Lovely story too!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  40. They are too cute for words - absolutely fantastic!

  41. Aww they're just sooo cute! I love the story too, it definitely makes them even more special :) x

  42. Completely stunning, I'm sure he's going to love his present. You really are a very talented crafter making up the patterns yourself.

  43. Lovely cars. It's great to hear a bit of backstory about how they came to be too.

  44. Great story about the car! And I love the knitted cars. You are so talented! Thank you for sharing at The Submarine Sunday Link Party!

  45. Oh my goodness, these are just too cute for words. I fell in love with the red car, but then the green is gorgeous too.
    Wonderful story about Henrietta and what a great pressie for your hubby. You never cease to amaze me with the woollen creations you knit Ginx.

    Claire :)
