Sunday 8 January 2017

Resolutions and Plans

I've been browsing other craft blogs, where there are a lot of plans and resolutions for 2017. Although some years I've done this, for the last few years I just make my crafty list of plans on a piece of paper, and pin it up for only me to look us.

As for crafty plans for 2016 - well as you might imagine, some things on the list I did, and some I did not get to. 

Sock knitting was on the list, and I did do a lot of this. I don't think I can call myself a novice sock knitter any more. There is something eminently satisfying about knitting a pair of socks.

I also published a new baby garment pattern, Tundra Baby Top. Fortunately friends and family have been good at producing some new babies to keep me motivated with the baby garments.

I was really pleased with my teddy bear patterns. They were an enormous amount of work, and although they have hardly sold, did turn out exactly as I pictured them in my head. 

I have knitted quite a lot of cars for Etsy customers, but not got around to some new vehicle patterns which I have been thinking about for some time.  

I have also published two new animal patterns. Also, fewer than my plans.


I have blogged less, which was a deliberate decision. A few years ago I was posting blogs about everything I did. My daughter would say, "let's make cakes", and before you knew it I would be there photographing the whole thing for this blog. I have really tried to stop that, as it sort of takes the fun out of things. So this blog has become a bit more knitting focused, and less family. They are still here, but as teenagers spend a lot more time in their bedrooms. Perhaps I should start featuring hair and make-up tips? (Only people who know me in person will realize how funny that is.)

So for 2017 I still plan to come up with some new knitting patterns. It seems harder to come up with fresh ideas, but I still have a few in the pipeline. I do feel more confident with my pattern writing. There is still the usual dilemma of either going for the slightly bizarre (Why did no one want to knit my mermaid's purse?), or the more obvious (teddy for example), but then being up against large numbers of teddy bear patterns. 


  1. I love planing at the start of each year, a new page in a new notebook, new chapter in one's life story. Good luck

  2. Oh my goodness! You have knitted so many cars and socks! As for what patterns to write next, have you tried any keyword research on Etsy? For example type 'knitting pattern' into the search bar and before you press enter, look at what comes up below. It's the most popular searches which may help you decide. (Sorry if you knew this already!). It's helped me label up a few items in my shop to help them show nearer the top. Happy New Year! xx

  3. I love all your patterns and knitting projects. The lemon coloured socks are my favourite! And I say, go bizarre with your patterns - there's got to be something no one has designed a pattern for?!

  4. You have had a very productive year! I hope that 2017 is just as good if not better. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :) xx

  5. I've been amazing all year at the lovely things you seem to churn out. the Battenberg socks were my favourite.
    I understand what you mean about not turning every making session into a blog post, sometimes all the stopping to take photographs gets in the way of just enjoying what you are doing.
    I'm curious, would hair and make up tips involve something along the lines of "brush hair, apply moisturiser, maybe go mad and apply tinted lip balm - leave house" ? That's pretty much my standard routine on a weekday!

    1. Even that sounds a little bit sophisticated for me!

  6. I think we are all getting a better feel for what we want in the new year. Good luck!

  7. So many wonderful projects! Here's to a 2017 filled with even more! Thank you for joining The Really Crafty Link Party this week.
