Thursday, 31 January 2019

Ginx Woolly Linx Party February

I seem to have a bit of a Valentine theme going with my features for January, but honestly only noticed this after I had picked them.

Stephanie of Unique Yarn Designs linked with a crochet pattern for these little heart-shaped boxes.  I love this sort of project, and despite my rather ropey crochet skills, I am going to try to make some of these.

Maricarmen of Tramas de Colores has knitted this beautiful rainbow scarf, in a fern pattern. I like every this about it, the colour, the design and the wool looks so soft. Not quite in my theme, but I guess it would make a nice Valentine gift.

And another scarf from Tonya of Sew Crafty Crochet. It was the autumnal colours that attracted me to this scarf, and the heart-shaped ends are a great finishing touch.

and finally Alexandra of Eye Love Knots has made a envelope wallet for your Valentine card. I just love that lacey edging detail.

Thank you to every else who linked up with your projects last month. I enjoy looking at them all, so keep linking and visiting each other.  As we are a fairly small party, your chances of being picked as a featured item are fairly high, and I hope that also sends some new visitors to your blogs.

Please link your yarn/wool related post. No restrictionsj on when the post was first published.

Max of 3 links per person per party.

Please try and visit and leave comments for each other

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Remember if you were picked as a feature you can put the "I was featured" button on your blog.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

The Deer in Richmond Park

 The Hunters Are Coming

I hear a gun shot, a celebratory cry.
As I look in the bushes, a gleaming blue eye.

The hunters are coming, as big and as bad,
They've seen me I know, and they're especially glad.
Up to my feet I get with a rush,
Quickly I charge to hide by a thrush.
"Deer! over there" the hunters they shout.
Will I survive? I'm, beginning to doubt!
I run for my life, over the hill.
Yes! I'll survive. I beating them till ...
I'm flung in the air to the highest tree tops,
I taste blood in my mouth as this little deer drops.
For a moment I lie there, I lie there quite still,
But the hunters are coming, ready to kill.
I try to run, as fast as I can,
But I turn around swiftly, and I'm facing a man!
I close my brown eyes and take a last breath, 
But I squiggle and squirm, not ready for death.

I hear a gun shot, a celebratory cry.
Why was it me who had to die?

As I walked in Richmond Park this week, there was a sign up saying the deer cull is on for the next six weeks. Not completely sure how I feel about this. I do know that the deer, which are in a confined space practically in London, have to have their numbers controlled, and that probably the cull is the least cruel way to do this. 

But then I got home, and saw the poem above, which has been posted on the side of my fridge for the last few years. It was written by my daughter when she was in primary school, and does tug at the heart strings.

Looking back through my photographs, I realize I do not take many of the deer. The one at the top was taken at this time of year, and I kept it mainly because I liked the framing by the trees. And the other one was in mid-summer, when I think I was trying to photograph rabbits, and came upon this deer a bit too close by surprise. I am not sure who was more shocked.

Not much to show on the knitting front. I am making socks, and they seem to taking a long time. On the second one though!

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for January. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Cardigan ... Finished at Last

I thought about calling this post "The Reluctant Model", as you can probably tell that my son was not over keen to have me take his photograph. Although he has said I can post them on my blog. (Mind you, I am usually not very keen on having my own photograph taken, so I do know how he feels.)

I prefer the photographs taken above, even though they don't show the cardigan very well. I knew if I started faffing about the cardigan I might lose my model completely, so here are some taken outside, which show the garment off better. 

I'm rather pleased with my improvised stripes on the sleeves, although in the end I had wool left over. So I didn't need to do them, but I think they have added something to the garment - the college preppy look.

The pattern I used was call "The Boyfriend Cardigan" by Erica Knight, bought from John Lewis. It is actually a woman's cardigan pattern, but I reversed the bands. It fits my son very well, as he is tall but very skinny. The grey Aran-weight wool is Drops Alaska and was bought online from Wool Warehouse. It seemed good value for 100% wool at £1.80 for a 50g ball, and by clicking about a bit I managed to find a discount code. (I bought 18 balls, but have 2 left over.) 

I was tempted into buying some sock wool, as spending over £30 put me into free postage. So expect some more family knitting here soon.  

I'm also rather pleased with how the toggles look, instead of buttons, bought from Fabricland.

I know this is not great, but it did capture the feel of most of the photos that I took but haven't used.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for January. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month