Monday 7 January 2019

Cardigan ... Finished at Last

I thought about calling this post "The Reluctant Model", as you can probably tell that my son was not over keen to have me take his photograph. Although he has said I can post them on my blog. (Mind you, I am usually not very keen on having my own photograph taken, so I do know how he feels.)

I prefer the photographs taken above, even though they don't show the cardigan very well. I knew if I started faffing about the cardigan I might lose my model completely, so here are some taken outside, which show the garment off better. 

I'm rather pleased with my improvised stripes on the sleeves, although in the end I had wool left over. So I didn't need to do them, but I think they have added something to the garment - the college preppy look.

The pattern I used was call "The Boyfriend Cardigan" by Erica Knight, bought from John Lewis. It is actually a woman's cardigan pattern, but I reversed the bands. It fits my son very well, as he is tall but very skinny. The grey Aran-weight wool is Drops Alaska and was bought online from Wool Warehouse. It seemed good value for 100% wool at £1.80 for a 50g ball, and by clicking about a bit I managed to find a discount code. (I bought 18 balls, but have 2 left over.) 

I was tempted into buying some sock wool, as spending over £30 put me into free postage. So expect some more family knitting here soon.  

I'm also rather pleased with how the toggles look, instead of buttons, bought from Fabricland.

I know this is not great, but it did capture the feel of most of the photos that I took but haven't used.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for January. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month


  1. My congratulations for your son's cardigan, it has been very nice.
    *Colored kisses*

  2. What a lovely cardigan your son really suits it bless him, I can't see any of my sons modelling for me, it looks cosy and warm. :) xx

  3. I agree...the toggles look very nice. Great work.:)

  4. Looks great, my kids are reluctant models too, I know what you mean about risking loosing them altogether.
    Are you going to make a matching hat with those 2 left over balls?

    1. No, I have a plan. Husband has said he would like a similar cardigan, so I am going to get a darker grey, but use the left over light grey for arm stripes. Could be a whole family look!

  5. The Reluctant Model did very well! Lovely cardigan and handsome model. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOTS

  6. Beautiful! And, honestly, your model is exceptional.

  7. The cardigan fits your son perfectly. That's part of the joy of making garments, isn't it? You can tailor the item so it's just right for the wearer. Nicely done! I hope you'll share your husband's cardigan when it's finished and that he'll agree to model it for your blog.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features hiking at Tacoma’s Ruston Way.

  8. Wow, nice job! I don't have much talent in the crafty department, so I am very impressed! And had to laugh about the reluctant model - I get a lot of eyerolls anytime I take out my camera!

    Have a good week!


    Book By Book

  9. What a nice cardigan!

