Sunday, 31 March 2019

Ginx Woolly Linx Party April

Hello everyone, and welcome to the April Woolly Linx Party. 

March has seemed to fly by, and for me (in the knitting sense) it has not been very productive. But if not knitting me and my husband have been very busy around the house - DIY and tidying, and at work we were visited by the dreaded Ofsted. If you are not from the UK this might not mean much to you, but it means we have a visit from the school inspectors.

So after all that it is nice and relaxing to sit with a cup of tea and look at your lovely project for March. 

The party will open at midnight, and I have changed to new style party, so am very much hoping that all will work as normal. I always get a bit fazed when things change.

I love Gema of Hebra de Lana's boho style bag, which she has photographed really interestingly in an old warehouse.

Maricarmen of Tramas de Colores has made some gorgeous pink crochet baby shoes.

I have a bit of a thing about llamas, so had to choose this lovely one from Liz of Howling at the Moon.

And finally Lalka Crocheta has made this adorable polar bear, named Knut.

Remember if you were picked as a feature you can put the "I was featured" button on your blog. 

Friday, 22 March 2019

Red Vespa

I have a new item in my Etsy shop, which is my Vespa Scooter. Up until now I have only had the pattern for sale, but I had a request from someone in New York to make a Red Vespa, as a birthday gift for a friend. I'm not sure why I hadn't listed it before, but it is quite fun to have a break from the pattern writing, (or trying to pattern write as it is not going very well at the minute), to knit a customised item. I also like to returning to my own patterns, and on reknitting I decided to slightly reduce the size of the wheels, as I think it looks more realistic like this.

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for March. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Doll's Shoes

I had an order for two pairs of my wrap over baby shoes, and after emailing the customer found out that she actually was buying them as an Easter present for her two daughters' for their baby dolls. A few more emails flew between the UK and USA, with measurements and photos of the baby dolls' feet, and from me photos of various coloured wools etc. (People moan about the internet, but this sort of thing would just not have been possible before it.) And so these scaled down version of my shoes are now on the way to the USA, where I hope they will be thoroughly played with, and the baby dolls will have warm feet.

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for March. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

A Dog Called Wilson

I was watching "The Great British Sewing Bee" last night, and the little dachshund called Wilson in the middle section (where the contestants had to make a dog outfit out of recycled tent fabric) reminded me of a very similar dog with the same name, for whom I knitted a sweater. But I couldn't find it on my blog, and then realised that I made this sweater before I started my blog, back in 2011. Oh it was a simpler time ....

I do love the sewing bee programme, although I can't think of anything worse than sewing to a deadline. When I sew it just has to take as long as it takes, which is often weeks. I'm sewing something at the moment, and cutting out the pattern pieces and material must have took me at least 2 hours. I also think there must be short cuts, as it really would not have made very interesting TV, me sitting on the floor cutting out tissue paper. I would also like to look at the inside of the garments, to see how much is neatened. But enough of me rabbiting about sewing ...

So partly because I have nothing else to write about (I'm working on a knitting pattern which just isn't going to plan), I thought I would show you the photos, and you can click here if you want to see the wool and pattern details that I used. Wilson's Fair Isle Sweater.

He was very cute, and had to come to my house twice for fittings. I would quite like to make something similar for my own dog, but the idea has been frowned on by the rest of the family. But I might do it anyway ...

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for March. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.