Monday, 30 September 2019

Ginx Woolly Linx Party October

Hello, and welcome to the party. There is a autumn feel in my bit of the world, and it is time to sit all cosy by the fire with a nice crafting project. Actually I can now do this, as my new home has a real fireplace. I haven't used it yet, but the day may come quite soon.

The features I have picked from September are:

First of all this adorable baby mobile from Mimi of Mimi Swan. Very cute and with instructions of how to make one yourself.

Marmita of Au Fils de Marmita has just retired. I really like her case for her crochet hooks, which she might need to take with her on new adventures.

Rachel of The Philospher's Wife had knitted this very cosy swirl hat. I think we may all need something like this for the winter.

And finally Nephi-Handmade has made a very cool crochet camera strap.  Sometimes the only way to get something perfect is to make it yourself.

Remember if you were picked as a feature you can put the "I was featured" button on your blog. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

My Garage Project

I just thought I would give you a peek at the project I am working on at the moment. I had a message on Etsy from Jo asking me if I had a pattern for a 2CV cushion cover. I had a search over the internet, and surprisingly couldn't find one. Plenty of minis, beetles and campervans, but no 2CV that I could see. 

So I decided I would give it a go. These are just my first attempts. Version one seemed a bit too wide and not tall enough, and I am more happy with the second version below. The next plan is to scale this up to at least double the size. I will keep you posted.

Just a reminder that there are still a few days left to join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for September. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Some Country Retirement Socks

At long last I have some knitting to write about. This summer has been very busy, and knitting seems to have been put to the side. But whenever I have had time I have been working on these socks for my husband. He retired over the summer, and we are hoping that later in the year we will be spending a lot more time in the country. Some cosy handknit socks might just be what he needs.

The main part of these socks are knitted from Drops Fabel Long Print (colour 917). I love this sock wool, which I bought to put together with another order for a cardigan, which I have not yet started. Adding them to the order just nudged me into the price bracket where there was no postage to pay, so it really came at no cost. 

The pattern I used is called Elementary Watson, and is a free download on ravelry. The pattern has this name because it was inspired by Dr Watson's cable pullover in BBC's Sherlock. Like most of the socks I knit they were toe-up, which I just find less stressful than cuff-down, where you always have the worry that you will run out of wool before the foot is long enough. As it was I had quite a bit of wool left from my two balls, but I did use a constrast wool for the toes and cuffs. It meant that my husband could have the socks the exact length he wanted.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for September. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Tie Dye Cushions and a New Bedroom

I've been writing a little about our house move, and thought you might be interested in seeing my daughter's new room. Actually despite the hard work of moving, it does seem refreshing to have less possessions. Twenty odd years of accumulated stuff had to be moved out, and as well as getting rid of some (to charity shops and the dump), quite a lot of is in store. It feels quite freeing to have less things around us.

So this move seemed a really good opportunity for my daughter to have a slightly more grown up bedroom. We have tried this before, to get rid of some of the toys, and have an overall colour scheme or look. But previously there was always too much stuff to fit in, and we always seemed to go off plan with the colours

She decided she would like a very minimal look, with a palette of grey, white, black, and some green plants to tie in with the blinds that were already there. Before we moved we had a go at tie dying an old sheet, and I have made new covers for some cushions that we already had, and some velvety grey fabric (bought in Fabricland). 

As usual the pets all seemed to want to get in on the photos.

I was a little unsure about the new plain grey duvet cover (from Ikea), but it does work.

This shows most of the room. Not a great photo, but I hope it shows the look, and how nice and green it is outside. We have been restrained with the pictures on the walls, which are two paintings on silk that my husband bought in Thailand. You can just see the piano, which we had thought we might be able to have in the living room. But it seemed to fit better in here, and goes with the black/white/grey theme. You can also see "Brie" - the cheese plant, who has now been joined by "Fred" the fern.

The only new piece of furniture is this dressing table and stool (from the Futon company). It give a bit of extra storage, and we both liked the way it looks leaned against the wall.

Yes, and all our pets fit in the colour scheme.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for September. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.