I am a bit late with my garden diary, because I am back in town. I tried to persuade my husband to write something, and although he has been keeping me up-to-date, he did not seem keen on this. But fortunately I have been down for a long weekend, so have been able to see how all the vegetables are.
All the beans, peas, and courgettes are over. But we still have lots of vine tomatoes. I think next year I will try some other varietes of tomatoes. The peppers are also looking good, and we are waiting for them to perhaps turn red. My husband says he is going to make some chutney, perhaps with the tomatoes and apples.
Somehow the broccoli plants (which I nearly gave up on at one point) have pulled through. And the turnip seedlings, which had also got eaten, are hanging on in there and plumping up.
We have dug a few potatoes, and although the early ones were not very big or many, the main crop seem good and roasted nicely. I have memories of my father digging all the potatoes and storing them in the garage, but we are just digging a few plants as and when we need them. I guess when there are signs of frost we may dig all the remaining ones. Also planning to dig the Jerusalem artichokes and make and earthy soup.
We have put aside some of the older runner peas, french beans and peas for seed for next year. Sunflower seeds we are planning to let the birds eat. I have also picked some sweet peas and poppy seeds. It just seems sense to try and save some seeds.
We also had a second crop of raspberries - enough to make a crumble. I think these are the ones that I may have over-pruned in the spring.
The squash and pumpkins are still looking great. We picked one of the squash, and it was really good. This is a pumpkin. I have mislaid the seed packet, and cannot work out what sort of pumpkin it is, but it is clearly a bit different from the traditional orange ones.
Our other big project is brewing. There are several apples trees, and although I have picked some of best to store as eating apples, we have so many that we decided to make some cider. So far we have started two batches, and I think there will be enough for a third. So we spent a very jolly morning chopping and pressing. Very hard work, and with blisters from all the cutting, but it was a nice family activity, and even my son joined in. Only seemed fair, as I am sure he is expecting to drink some of the finished product.
So that is it for now. I am not sure if I will do a November/December diary, as I will have to see what there is to write about. So you may next hear more of the garden in the Spring.

a reminder that there
is still plenty of time left to join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for October.
Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I
would love to see what you have been working on this month.