Sunday, 27 December 2020

Ginx Woolly Linx Party January


Happy New Year to everyone who visits my link party.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me, and kept joining in with your projects. I have just looked back to the first party - 3 years ago - and have realised that some of you have been linking since then. When I started I used to worry about the numbers, but I seem to not think about that too much now. I see some much bigger parties, but I am really happy that everyone sticks to the yarn, wool theme, and that we are so international. I don't usually talk politics, but I voted to stay in Europe, but what can you do ...

As you can see I have chosen five projects this month. Just could not stop myself. I have been trying my hand at some crochet, which I will post about soon. I have looked hard at the projects, slightly thinking, could I make that? I still find it very hard to follow a crochet pattern, particularly the ones that have diagrams. But with the help of some youtube videos, I have learned a few techniques. 

Raji of Raji's Crafty Hobby has made this pretty two colour doily coaster. The photo instructions are really clear and very good, and must take quite a while to create. 

Alexandra of Eye Love Knots has made a stunning Christmas wreath out of granny squares. One for the to do list.

I really like Sandra of Hakelfieber's collection of baskets, decorated with a spike stitch. 

I also could not resist showing you these Dutch house cushions from Liz of Howling at the Moon. Two colours, and really eye-catching.

And finally say hello to Toby the Triclops, made by Con Hilos, Lanos y Botones. I have just sat and watched Monster's University with my daughter, and I think he would fit in there very well.

I wish you and your loved ones all well for 2021. Surely things will start to get better. I may be publishing a little early, but the party will open on 1st January. If you have linked a project very near the end of the month, please feel free to link again, so you can be considered for the featured posts.






Sunday, 20 December 2020

A Waddle of Penguins

Did you know that the collective term for a group of penguins is a waddle? Isn't that great? You can also call them a colony, a rookery, or better still a huddle. If they are on the water they are called a raft. I love this sort of information.

So here is a waddle of penguin chicks, who are heading over to my Etsy shop. It is really a bit close to Christmas now, but I can still post them out. If you let me know I will add a hanging ribbon if you want to put them on your tree.

All has changed so quickly in the last week. My daughter is isolating, because she was in contact with someone at school who tested positive. Christmas seemed to be slipping away, but last week we were thinking so long as both still well, we could travel to my husband and son for a late Christmas. But now because we are in Tier 4 that is also not possible. But my daughter still seems well, so I am very thankful for that, and just for once I am going to have to do a bit more than just peeling the sprouts and potatoes. 

So with more time on my hands I am planning to crochet (yes crochet!) a hat.

Just a reminder that tomorrow you can still join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for December. I would love to see what you have been working on.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Baby Penguin

I like to think that when I make a knitted animal I make it realistic. I don't go for a cute version. So in this case all I can only say that baby penguins really are this cute. Actually I think they may be even cuter.

This is my third polar Christmas decoration. The others were Polar Bear and Arctic Hare. I think I need to stop now, but I am really pleased with all these little animals on my Christmas tree. 

Baby Penguin is really quick and easy to make. Just for once I am going to recommend a wool. I used Rowan Alpaca Classic Shade 00101 to get the fluffy grey look. I think any other fluffy wool would work. Some of my first penguins were in a non-fluffy grey, and they are cute too.

The penguins have gone off again to the icy land of fluffy dressing gown. But they just keep waddling away in different directions when I try to photograph them.

These baby penguins are tiny - approximately 4.5 cm tall, and each one take less that 2g of wool. So this is the pattern for you if you like quick makes, and I am planning to make a lot more from my ball of wool, and those ones will be heading for my Etsy shop. But it is not for you if you don't like working small.


The pattern is be available on ravelry, Etsy and LoveKnitting

I have set up a discount code on ravelry if you buy any 2 of my polar animal decorations: Christmas Baby Penguin, Christmas Arctic Hare, or Christmas Polar Bear you will get £1 discount. If you buy all three the discount is £2. The code to use is POLAR, and this offer will run until the end of 2020.

Just a reminder that tomorrow you can still join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for December. I would love to see what you have been working on.