Sunday, 28 February 2021

Ginx Woolly Linx Party March

It definitely seems like Spring is in the air where I am. Buds are starting to appear, as well as some early flowers - snowdrops, daffodils and primroses. It has seemed like a long winter, and although I will be back at my school job on 8th March, I am starting to think about my vegetable plot, and planning what I can plant in the Easter holidays. I will probably resume my monthly gardening posts.

I think the projects that I have picked have a bit of a Spring feel to them.

I really like the Bunny Comforter from Mimi Swan. Lovely big pink ears, and the post has instruction on how to make one.

Sew Crafty Crochet has been using wool from her stash to make this beautiful blanket. Love the colours, and that details of pompoms round the edge is perfect.

I could not resist Lalka Crochetka's fluffy alpacas. My dream is to have some alpacas of my own. These cuties only make me want them more.

And finally Zeleni Trenutki has made some specially adapted gloves for photography. And if you want to see some signs of Spring it is worth visiting her blog to see some beautiful photographs.

Please try and visit a few posts, particularly if you link in early in the month, try to call back to see who else has joined in. It only takes a few seconds to leave a nice comment, and it is a great way to get ideas for your own work.

Looking forward to seeing all your projects in March.







Monday, 22 February 2021

Crochet and Knit Cushion

I mentioned that I was having a go at crochet for a change, and was aiming to make next a blanket or throw. Two problems came up: first that I only had so much wool, and second I am not very quick. 

I see other crafters, who seem to be able to knock off a blanket in a few weeks, and am amazed by how they manage this. When I showed my husband the pile of granny squares I had made, his first suggestion was that we just have a large set of coasters! Can you imagine me rolling my eyes? My daughter wanted me to create a jacket, but there really weren't enough for that. A cushion seemed a good answer, and then I had to send off for a cushion pad. 

For the back I only had a small selection of colours left, so decided to knit a square on the diagonal. Really pleased with how this turned out. Julie from Sum of Their Stories told me that her nan used to combine knit and crochet in one project, using which ever worked best. Have you ever made something using knit and crochet? I would love to hear about it. Or perhaps you have combined two other crafts in an unusual way.

I also wanted to mention the wool I used. This wool came from my sister-in-law, and was a kit for a fair isle jumper that she did not want to make.  I have got so much pleasure from this wool, as it is all the same ply, and has been used in so many projects, so "thank you". Here are just a few.


Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for February. I would love to see what you have been working on.


Monday, 8 February 2021

Windy Day Baby Cardigan

I've been hinting for a little while that I've been working on a garment, and I am at last ready to publish my new baby cardigan pattern. For quite a while I had the idea to knit a cardigan in just one piece, really with the idea of minimising the sewing up, which a lot of people seem to really hate.
It has taken quite a while to get this pattern done, but it finally written up in 3 sizes (0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-9 months). I really wanted to write my pattern this time with the instructions for each size in brackets, but some how I couldn't manage this, so each size is written out separately, so you get a lot of pages in your pattern. The other complication is that the wrap over is different for boy/girl. Instead of writing these out separately, which would have made the pattern even longer, there are instructions for shaping, and at the end of each size instructions on which rows to make your buttonholes for either a boy or girl.

For some of my test knits I was in London, with my button supplies, but for the one above I had the added problem of no buttons available. When you can only go out for essential shopping, it does make you wonder about the definition of essential. So with a bit of help from my husband the buttons you can see above were handmade from some applewood. I am in the process of making some more of these for my shop, and will write about this more in another post.

Knitted in Rico Baby Classic dk Light Grey

You could knit this cardigan with any double knit wool, but I would recommend using Rico Baby Classic dk, or James C. Brett Baby Marble. I have almost finished another cardigan in the second wool, and will post a few pictures in a day or so. 

On some of my samples I have added a bit of embroidery on the neckline. This isn't included in the pattern, but there are tips on my blog on how to use some simple embroidery stitches on your knitting.

So the pattern for the Windy Day Baby Cardigan will be available on ravelry, Etsy and LoveKnitting later today. Fortunately a have had quite a few baby births among my friends and family, so all these cardigans have found homes. 


Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for February. I would love to see what you have been working on.



Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Super Ted

Another little distraction for me, as I was changing this little teddybear into Super Ted. Do you remember Super Ted?  He was around in the 1980's, although somehow the style of the programme makes it seem as if he was a bit older.


This bear was made from my own pattern Little Teddy Bear, and I felt he needed an outfit, so I just made up his jersey and cape. He is flying off to Ireland at the moment, to one of my great nephews. I hope he makes it across the Irish Sea.



Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for February. I would love to see what you have been working on.