Tuesday 22 October 2024

Lantern Teaser


I mentioned a few weeks ago that my son and I are going to a willow and tissue lantern making course, and our final pieces will be in a Christmas Lantern Procession in Tavistock. 

Although it is an eight week course we only have two more weeks to go, so my son brought his project home, and did a bit of construction in the kitchen. Both are lanterns are going to be animals - mine fairly conventional, and his less so. Anyone who knows him might be able to guess! This is the willow stage, and the next bit is to attach lights and make the tissue covering.

Apologies for terrible photos in my kitchen. If anyone can correctly name the creature I will be very impressed.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Willow and Tissue Lanterns

I have been learning a new craft over the last few weeks, at a weekly willow and tissue lantern making course. My son has also been going, and his is the lantern above. Mine is below, and is meant to represent the weather/seasons. These were our learning lanterns, as they were really done so we could practice the techniques.

I got a little bit carried away with the tissue decorations, which was partly a delaying tactic, before moving on to our individual projects. These bigger lanterns will be in the Dickensian Parade in Tavistock in December. Nearly all of the group are making animals of various sizes. So eventually I'll be posting some more pictures of these.



Saturday 5 October 2024

Baby Car Cardigan and Hat


I have been making a cardigan and hat for one of my workmates, who is expecting a baby with his partner in October. He loves cars, so I decided to add a bit to this cardigan and hat set. The pattern I used is on Ravely as Cardigan and Pompom Hat by Sirdar.

I did find the pattern a little confusing, as the front sections are cast off, and then stitches are picked up, and a yoke is knitted. It does seem it would have been better to have put the stitches on holders, as done for the back and arms. If I knit again this is what I would do.


I enjoyed adding the car, which my daughter helped me design with a grid. We have gone for sporty (with a fin), but not racing car. The wheels are embroidered on afterwards with two rings of chain stitch, as I thought it would be easier to make good circles this way. Wish the car on the back was a bit higher up. I also added a checkered flag to the rib on the hat, and sort of wish I had done this to the cardigan as well. Too late now. The wool I used is some lovely soft merino in DK from Blacker Yarns, and oddments for the cars. I had fun looking for car buttons, which I found on Etsy. 

Although the baby is not due for a week or two I think I am pretty safe posting these pictures, as I am sure he does not spend the weekends looking a craft blogs.


Saturday 21 September 2024

Halloween Knits Special Offer

Getting close to Halloween, so I have decided to do a special offer. I have two spooky patterns, my knitted Bat and Little Pumpkins. My Bat pattern is one of my best sellers, throughout the whole year, and I love how on Ravelry so many knitters have linked their own projects.


So until October 31st I am running a special offer. If you buy both patterns which are normally £3 each on Ravelry, you will get a £2 discount if you use the code SPOOKY. This is the only platform that has the ability of set up discount codes, so go here rather than Etsy or LoveKnitting, where these pattern are also for sale.

I would love to see somebody make a Halloween garland with pumpkins and bats. Perhaps that's what I should do!

Wee Mousie

I realise I posted this picture on Instagram, but didn't write about it on my blog. I have been working on this Wee Mousie. I thought as the wool is a mixture of Scottish breeds (Boreray, Shetland and Soay) it would be a good idea to link it to Robert Burns poem To a Mouse or perhaps I should say Tae a Mouse. Rereading the poem it really is a bit sad, written after Burns who farmed had ploughed through a mouse nest in his field.

The wool is really suitable to knit a little mouse. It has the perfect texture, and is laceweight, so took a bit more knitting than you would imagine. The wool was from Blacker Yarns Bristish Breeds Scottish Lace. I had the idea it might make a good project kit, but as little mouse only took 5g, either the skeins will need to be split, or a kit would contain enough to make a whole infestation.

But at the moment I am still not happy with the pattern anyway. He looks cute in the photo, but something is a bit wrong with his legs, which I have managed to hide in this photo. My husband also says he is a bit fat, but I am fine with that. So at the moment he is sitting in a coffee cup in my kitchen, and I am gearing myself up to have another attempt. 

I was rather pleased with the photos that I took to advertised the wool. Have to own up that this was not a Scottish thistle, but totally Cornish.


Monday 9 September 2024

Great Crested Newt

Thank you to Sheila, who bought my Lizard Pattern on Etsy, and has make some adaptations to make a Great Crested Newt. Isn't he cute. Sheila says she is originally from a small village in Glamorganshire, and is planning to make some more newts and lizards from the pattern using some of her stash. She is also researching Natterjack Toads, so perhaps she might be able to alter my Frog Pattern.

Thanks for sharing your project. I always love to see what folk have made from my patterns. 



Wednesday 28 August 2024

More Trousers

I wrote last month about some trousers that I had made for myself, from New Look pattern 6271 - my Hippy Chick trousers. My daughter was very keen to wear them, but I managed to hang on to them. But I have made her two pairs of trousers from the same pattern. 


I felt I had to sew carefully, as she is a fashion student. We are calling them her intern trousers, as she is in the process of looking for an internship for some of next year. So I am imagining them swishing around some trendy studio in London, with the stitching being admired.

For the first pair she bought some lightweight denim, and the changes I made for the pattern were the run and fell seams down the outside of the legs, and the top-stitched patch pockets. About 20 years ago I did a City and Guild Fashion course, so had to get out my old file of notes and samples for these.

The second pair is a lovely silky striped pattern, and for these I added some in seam pockets on each side. I found a fantastic on line video from Soften Studio, on how to sew a french seam pocket. There is also a link to download a free pattern piece, and the explanation is so clear and the end result so neat and pleasing, I would highly recommend this.

So getting my value from this pattern, I am now thinking about fabric for the skirt option.

Monday 26 August 2024

Tamara Way - Boyton to Bridgerule

Quite a while since we did our last Tamara Way walk. It either seems to have been rainy, or when it has been hot perhaps a bit too hot for our dog. So this section has been done in two parts. Perhaps not the most exciting part of the walk, as it has all been on country lanes. Very lovely country lanes, but I think we have missed the excitement of a few stiles, the fear of cows in fields, and the jeopardy of are we going the right way.

We finished the first half at North Tamerton, where we admired this metalwork outside the church.

Today we continued on our way to Bridgerule. Probably the highlight of the walk was meeting another couple of walkers with their Tamara Way book. It was nice to end up back with the River Tamar, which as you can see has really shrunk now. Also interesting to see Bridgerule, which we have passed many times. It is just off the main road to Bude, but we did not know it was there. 

I absolutely hate this photo, but it was the only one taken all day. So many questions - Who is that dumpy women my son is cuddling? Why does she look like she is in a pair of pyjamas? Did she trip on the untied laces? Fortunately I think not many people look at this blog.

Friday 2 August 2024

Vegetable Garden Diary Update

I have just realised that unlike other years, I have not been keeping my vegetable garden monthly diary. I did try doing a little video, which seemed like a good idea, as it was me showing the garden warts and all. But I did not seem able to upload it, so am doing my usual photo catchup.

Like most years some things have gone well, and other not so good. I think for a lot of things the large amount of rain that we have had has been good, and we are now having a bit of sunshine as well. Also we have had the benefit of chicken poo, and four big sacks of free horse manure from a local stable, which I think have really helped. 

After my rabbit invaders, I covered all of the peas and runner beans with netting or mesh, which seems to have worked. So despite the invaders we have had a fair crop of runnerbeans and peas, and the broad beans have been much better than any other year. For the broad beans I picked off the growing tips of the plants, something I saw on a TV programme, and this year no blackfly problem at all.


I also was pleased to try some new vegetables - parsnips and pak choi, both of which have been great. Beetroots as well have at least grown to a reasonable size this year.


For salad leaves the American land cress and rocket have kept us going all summer, and I have had better radishes by doing a few small plantings. My tomatoes are way behind, but the plants look good, so hopefully eventually we will get some.

The raspberries have perhaps not been as many as other years, but most evenings I pick a little bowl to have on cereal at breakfast. The one tayberry bush has produced a lot of berries, all of which have gone into the freezer and will be made into jam. We bought a new gooseberry bush and built a fruit cage, with the blackcurrants. These have not produced much, so I cannot blame the birds this year. I think perhaps they need a bit of love and attention. The outside strawberries have been good, and I have high hopes for next year for the plants I have put in a trough in the polytunnel.


I realise I am being a bit too positive, so here is the one sunflower that survived the rabbits. I also have some very tiny sweetcorn plants, which have always been successful in other years, but I am really not sure are going to catch up this year.

Here is a photo of one of my favourite bits of the garden. The courgettes seem unstoppable, and I also like the self-seeded nasturtiums. The pak choi is on the left, netted peas in the background, and as you can see I have been doing a bit of weeding.


I am not too great as a flower gardener, but here is a little collage of some flowers in the vegetable garden. My sister gave me two dahlia plants. This one has settled in and is a gorgeous colour. I also saved love-in-the-mist seeds from last year, as they are one of my favourites. I've also included some courgette and bean flowers - useful and beautiful.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Special Starfish

I am pretty good at watching on Ravelry if someone has used one of my patterns and linked their project. On Etsy I sometimes forget, as comments and photos come at the bottom of the shop page. But every so often I do a catchup, and was delighted to see this beautiful make from my Starfish pattern.

Pat is from Canada, and has made it for her granddaughter, on Vancouver Island, who is having her bedroom decorated with a sea theme. I just love the wool she has used, the mixture of colours. The choice to line of the french knots is lovely, and these are made with yarn spun with merino wool and Samoyed dog hair. Just exquisite - I think her granddaughter is going to be very happy.


Tuesday 16 July 2024

Hippy Chick Trousers

At this time of year, when The Great British Sewing Bee is on, I suddenly remember that sewing is something I can do.

So this year I decided to make my some trousers, with this lovely piece of Africa waxed cotton, that I bought from a charity shop for £6. The pattern I used is New Look 6271. It also contains a pattern for skirts and shorts, so thought it was good value. My one worry with it was would that the waist look too elasticated. I am usually a jeans girl, and avoid elasticated waists when buying trousers. This waist has a combination of elastic in a channel, and a functioning tie, which confused me a bit at first. But I am really happy with the end result. The thing I really like about this pattern is the width of the legs. They are quite wide, but not silly wide.


My daughter was here in Cornwall when I finished the trousers, and also liked them so much, that she tried to persuade me to let her wear them to work. Before I had even worn them out myself! I pretended to be annoyed, but was actually quite flattered that she liked them so much. So they are still my trousers, but I now have two more pieces of fabric to make some for her. Pleased about this, as I love to get more than one garment out of a pattern.


After that I am planning to make, in the style of The Sewing Bee, a blouse out of an old embroidered table cloth. I have a few of these to use, but if anyone can suggest a fairly simple pattern, without gathers so the embroidery will lie flat, I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Turtle Project

Once in a while someone shows me a project made from one of my patterns which is really special, and they allow me to feature it here.


This was the case with Lori, from Louisiana, who contacted me a few weeks ago about the finished size of my Tortoise pattern. She had found this beautiful turtle shell in the woods, and decided the time had come to make a body for him. As you see the shell is stunning in itself, but now Cecil has a body too.

Lori had to slightly adapt the pattern for size, and as you can see has done a wonderful job. She has made a body, which she has carefully slid into the shell, which is one piece.

Doesn't Cecil have a wonderful expression on his face. Thank you Lori for letting me share your project here. 

I love to see when knitters have used my patterns, especially for an unusual project. It makes designing a pattern really worthwhile to see it being enjoyed.

Friday 28 June 2024

Gardening Green with Fleece

I am trying something new in the garden this year, which is to use some of the waste fleece from the mill where I work in different ways. It has been wetter than usual this year, and we seem to have more slugs and snails than ever. I don't use slug pellets, as I enjoy watching the birds here so much, and it just seems obvious that poisoning one of the things that they are going to eat is going to affect them. I want my veg, but not that much.

Over the years I have tried other ways to combat the snails and slugs - beer traps and coffee grinds, which both had some success. The fleece I am using is called greasy waste, wool that has not been scoured and contains lanolin. It may have a bit of sheep marker spray in it. Or even, heaven forbid some sheep poo, but this is all to the good. I have been putting it around the plants that get attacked most - the strawberries in the polytunnel, the courgettes, pumpkins, and squash. It seems to be working well, not blowing away which was a bit of a concern.

I have read online that fleece has other properties that are good. Not only does it help retain heat around the plants, it also can hold 30% of its weight in water, which if the soil is dry it will release if needed, but also soak up water if the weather is wet. So it should mean less watering. If used in larger quantities than I have it will stop weeds growing. It seems like a winner all round.

Another good thing about using fleece is that it adds nutrients (nitrogen and other trace elements) to the soil, particularly when you are planting. Some fleece added to the planting hole will help retain moisture around the roots. I decided to be scientific, and planted half my sunflowers this way, and the other half without, as a control. The experiment failed, as a few days later I think a rabbit got in and ate the lot. I almost had a second take, as every part of every plant was gone. He did not seem to differentiate between those with the fleece and those without, all equally yummy. I may have another try at this with other planting.

Here is my other non-chemical slug destroyer. I have found this toad several times in the garden, and I think he is also keeping the slugs down.

My other use for fleece in the garden this year was stuffing Fergus the scarecrow. I know you may say, but you like the birds, so why make a scarecrow. Fergus is totally ineffective as a scarecrow, and I have seen the odd bird sitting on him, but I do think he may put off the deer that have occasionally invaded the garden. Other years we have stuffed him with anything we could find, but I feel better about using the fleece, knowing that if the odd bit escapes it will probably be put to use by a bird, or perhaps even the thieving rabbit could have a fleece lined burrow.

I deliberately left the brocoli flowers as the bees were enjoying them so much.

There are other uses for sheep wool in the garden -

  • Small quantities of sheep's wool can also be used in a compost heap, and will decompose to add fertility to the soil.
  • I have seen people use fleece to line hanging planters, which I might give a go next year.
  • Woollen garden twine is a really great eco-friendly alternative to imported jute or plastic garden twine. 

I was lucky this year to have a source of wool, but I know there are a lot of farmers for whom the wool sheared from their sheep is a waste product. I met a farmer last year whose wool was not good enough to process into knitting wool, who was burning it. I do wish there was a way to get farmers in this situation and gardeners together, as it really is good to garden in a green woolly way.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Wild Flowers - An Education

I sort of consider that I have a fairly good knowledge of wild flowers, but this week I have had a bit of an education in more than one way. This tiny flower above is all over the place at the moment - in hedgerows, growing out of walls. And it has been frustrating me not knowing what it is. I have several wild flower books, and despite leafing through them several times, it is only this morning that I have worked out that this is the navelwort or pennywort, so named because the dimple on the round leaves looks a bit like a navel. My book says it is found more in the west of Britain than the east, which might be why I had not come across it before.

The second part of my flower eduction is a bit more serious. My daughter was down here for a while, and just before getting her train asked if I would pick a few wild flowers. So I rushed out and picked a few buttercups, red campions, one of my special oxeye daisies, and what I thought was a bit of cow parsley. Off she went with her flowers held together with string and newspaper. A few days later my husband was out with his strimmer, and came in and started pouring over his laptop. "That flower on the slope isn't cow parsley he announced, but hemlock!" The flower a bit similar, but a much bigger plant with a distinctive spotty stem. Well we are all okay. I was slightly more worried for him, as he had been strimming near the plant, and spent the evening asked him if he felt alright. I also can't believe I sent my daughter off with a bunch flowers from the most poisonous plant in the UK. She is fine too, and I guess we have all learned something.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Tamara Way - Lifton to Boyton

Another section of the Tamara Way, and this time we decided to get a few more miles under our belts. It was the perfect day for walking - sunny but with a slight breeze. All of this section of the walk was on lanes, so no muddy patches, but also meant we decided not to bring the dog, as she loves being off-lead for at least some parts of a walk.

As you will see it was very much a leg for seeing animals. These mares and foals were having a lovely time just before we crossed the River Carey at Heale Bridge in the picture below.

We enjoyed this view of Launceston Castle, making us realise we were not really far from home, although once we had crossed the A388 it really felt very rural and quite remote.

At Crossgate my son made friends with this young cat - he is a "cat whisperer" as they always seem to like him.

A little later we surprised a fox crossing a field, but I was not quick enoough with my phone. And then we met these ladies, who were very curious about us.

It was nice to see the River Tamar again, which was much smaller than when we last crossed it at Horsebridge. For a while as we were walking near it we saw a lot of dragonflies and damselflies. Really beautiful blues.

Finally as we were approaching Boyton we passed a field with some lovely sheep and lambs, in with some cows with calves. These three were very confident and seemed to want to be photographed.

We waited for my husband by the Methodist Church in Boyton, where there was a very welcome bench.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Tamara Way - Kelly to Lifton

Our final part of this stage, and this time I had my son, daughter and dog for company. My husband tells me that each section we walk less distance, but I say we are trying to maximise the enjoyment. He is right though, and I think it is partly because we are getting very close to where we live. At the start where we had quite a long journey to the walk, it felt like we should do the maximum amount of walking we could. After this section we are north of our home, and hopefully we will start to have that mind set again.

Setting off from Kelly we passed through fields of sheep. When we got near the woodland, which was very beautiful, but the path was extremely muddy.

More fields and sheep, and we found the snack hut at Turchington, which was very welcome. From here we could look across the valley, and although we couldn't see our house which is in trees, we could spot all the fields around it.


The walk down hill to the River Lyd was very welcome. Here is a view as we crossed Lifton Bridge, and another of St. Mary's Church.

My husband was waiting for us at the car park of the Arundell Arms. I had the idea that we could stop there for coffee, but we were in quite a muddy state, so we headed home.