Saturday, 31 October 2020

Ginx Woolly Linx Party November

I hope that everyone who visits the link party is keeping well, and your family and friends. Life does seem hard at the moment, and the only way through seems to be to look for small pleasures, and to be kind to each other. I hope that my party is one of those small pleasures.

I liked Sandra of Hakelfieber's crochet pencils. She has translated the pattern from the original Russian into German.

Julie of Sum of Their Stories has made a lovely baby blanket in yellow and pink. So pretty with those spirals, daisies and hearts.

Carolyn of Flickensalat has also used a lovely colour combination - pink, grey and while. I really like this checkerboard cushion, and she has made a lovely throw from the rest of the wool.

And finally Caroline of Inekedcblog has made these really imaginative fish dungarees. Aren't they adorable.



  1. I'm so happy you like my cushion and throw. Thanky you for that.
    With love Carolyn
