Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Ginx Woolly Linx Party August

Hi everyone! Are you having a good summer. I have not got much done crafting, as our house move is getting closer. Contracts have been exchanged and movers booked. I have realised that I am a terrible hoarder. Maybe that is part of crafting, as it is easy to think that something can be reused or repurposed at a later date. But strangely I am quite enjoying the decluttering and cleaning. So I am not sure you will hear much from me for the next month, although the party will keep going.

I really enjoyed looking at your projects for July, and my favourites seem to be a mixture summer fruitfulness and romance.

I adored Fanny of Yarn Around the World's blanket.  Beautiful pastel colours, and it has a real 3D-quality. She should be very proud.

Cat of Crochet Cloudberry has made an adorable little strawberry gnome. Follow the link to see her gnome. I loved the simplicity of these little strawberry flowers.

Au Fils de Marmita has made some cute little pineapple earrings. There is someone in my family who would love these.

And finally, but not least, Alexandra of Eye Love Knots has made her own wedding dress and bouquet.  Doesn't she look fantastic. I am hoping she will tell us more, perhaps when she is back from her honeymoon.

Please try and visit each others posts and comment. I don't want to one of those parties that sets rules, but it is nice to share the love.

Remember if you were picked as a feature you can put the "I was featured" button on your blog. 

Friday, 19 July 2019

Black-Eyed Susan Fairy

Here is the second of my fairies, and she is called Black-eyed Susan. I've found out that there are two types of Black-eyed Susan, and the one she represents is the black-eyed susan vine (Thunbergia alata). I really like this plant, because it looks a bit like a flower drawn by a child. I was hoping that my fairy's black eyes would be a clue. Not many of these plant in my neighbourhood, so I had to take this photograph at my local garden centre. Yes, that is what the strange lady with a camera was doing between the flowerbeds.

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for July. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Madame Lavender

I think it is time to reveal the first of my garden flower fairies. She is Lavender Fairy, and while making her I did think that she might be a French Lavender, so that is why I have called her Madame Lavender. 

I think she might have been difficult to spot as lavender seems to come in many shades. (I found out that apart from the blues and pinks, lavender also comes in white and yellow.) The photo at the top is what I was aiming for with her hat, and the photo at the bottom was taken in my own garden.  In a few days I will reveal the identity of the second garden flower fairy.

You can still guess who the other fairies are on my last post Garden Flower Fairies.

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for July. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Garden Flower Fairies

I mentioned a little while ago, when I had made my wild flower fairies, that I was also going to make some garden flower fairies. Here they finally are. While my other fairies looked a bit like elves in the woods, these fairies do rather look as if they are older ladies, off to a wedding. Perhaps I have made myself.

I am not going to say the garden flowers they represent, but thought you might like to leave a guess in the comments box, I will reveal each fairy, with their own flower, over the next few weeks. This is just for fun, as there is not prize. But you can get a better look at their hats, here is a back view, which might help you spot the flowers.

Just a reminder that there is still time join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for July. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.