Sunday, 31 May 2020

Ginx Woolly Linx Party June

Welcome to Ginx Woolly Linx Party for June.

Linda of Linda's Crafty Corner has made a several blankets. I really like this bright and cheerful one, made from remnants of left over wool.

Alexandra of Eye Love Knots has shared this pattern for a Dinosaur Spike Hat. Why do children love dinosaurs so much? My son would have absolutely loved this hat, and perhaps he still would in a different "I'm off to a festival" way.

Anelie of Heart Deco has shared a pattern for this Tulip Bag. A beautiful bag, and I love anything that encourages us to use less plastic.

And finally Analia of Handmade by Analia has shared this brilliantly bright cushion, which her little bear is on a mission to climb.

Remember if you were picked as a feature you can put the "I was featured" button on your blog. 

Saturday, 23 May 2020

2CV Memories

I have sold my Henrietta 2CV pattern quite a few times, but only occasionally seen the finished car by someone who isn't me. Sometimes on ravelry knitters do link up their projects, but on Etsy there isn't any way to do this. But recently more and more often the download function doesn't work on Etsy. Customers end up sending me a message, and then when I have their email I can send them the pattern this way. 

This happened with Rosie a few weeks ago, and during our chat I said I would love to see her car when it is made. I was delighted one morning to wake up to an email with these photos of her finished 2CV. 

Like her I have a very emotional attachment to 2CV cars. Driving one felt like a private club, as 2CV drivers would always wave madly to each other. You can read about my memories here. Rosie told me that she and her late husband owned an emerald green 2CV bought in Northern Ireland in 1976. One of the first ones in the country. Her husband was a massive fan of Citroen cars and their technology so they had a lot of Citroen cars through their married life. Her first daughter born in 1977 was brought home from hospital in a Moses basket on the back seat of this car. No car seats or seat belts in those days!. 

So if you have made something from any of my patterns I would love to see it, and also any feedback on the pattern itself is always welcome.

It may seem that I haven't posted much knitting recently. I have been knitting, but most of this has been on a jumper for my daughter. I think I have mentioned before I am not particularly quick at knitting. I still have the front piece to make, but I am getting there. I also have a new pattern in the pipeline, and have made a special order for a customer's wedding anniversary. So although it is unlikely that this ladies husband is looking a knitting blogs, will not post pictures until after the celebration.

Just a reminder that there is still time left to join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for May. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Gardening Diary May

We have been very busy on our vegetable plot. Slowly it is starting to look like a cared for garden, and the things I like best are going up in the morning, to see what if anything has sprouted, and watering in the evening. It is so lovely to be able to get outdoors, and learning something new.

Perhaps I will start with the things that are going well. My broadbeans have come up, and so far look strong and sturdy. Jerusalem artichokes have finally all sprouted, and onions, garlic, radishes and carrots all seem to be coming along. I thinned the radishes and carrots the other day. I hate thinning - it seems such a waste.

Broadbeens - my pride and joy

Radishes might even be ready to pick soon

The peas were getting nibbled round the leaves, and I decided it was something called pea weevil, but I did another planting inbetween the first ones, and that combined with trying to protect them with cloches made from drink bottles, seems to mean that some are surviving. I have had the same problems with our sunflowers, but some of them are still there. I really don't want to use chemicals on this plot, as it has been kept organic for many years. So I think we are just going to have to accept some things don't work out. The other thing that is coming up is this asparagus. We didn't plant it but every few days a shoot appears. My husband then cooks it for me. Would be great to have a row of these next year.

That is my good news, but a few nights ago we had a late frost. When I went up to check in the morning, all my lovely runnerbeans were dead, and even the potatoes look a bit ropey. I think the potatoes may pull through, and I have cut off all the dead leaves, as I read online this conserves the plant's energy. I have to admit I cried. I had been so pleased seeing the runnerbeans come up each day. But my family told me I had to get a grip. We have planted some new beans seeds in pots in the polytunnel, and may go on a trip to a garden centre next week. 

The dead beans - I can hardly bear to post this photo

But in the polytunnel my seeds in pots seem to be coming along - tomatoes, sweetpeas, courgettes, squash, sweetcorn, brocoli, melons, and even the chilli pepper plants, have all sprouted. But because of the frost I am holding off bringing anything out to harden off as long as I can. I also bought some wild strawberry seeds, which haven't yet appeared, but have been surprised that quite a few of these plants have just come up in one of the borders nearer the house. 

I have sort of organised a potting table area. And you can see the grape vine is really doing well now.

The other plants that seem to be doing okay are these fruit bushes. I am pretty sure they are blackcurrants, and the gooseberry bushes are producing loads of berries. I may have over pruned the raspberry canes, as the ones I didn't touch look much more happy than those I cut back.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time left to join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for May. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


I have been trying to photograph rabbits.  There are plenty around here, but it has really not been as easy as I had imagined. It is hard to get close. Sometimes this is the best I have got. 

I really think it is not the fox that is cunning and wiley, but rabbits. I have tried various techniques - sitting in bushes, hiding in an old tent. One evening there really were no rabbits in sight, and eventually I noticed that there was a large buzzard sitting in the trees. The rabbits were well ahead of me.

But I found that there is a place up behind the house, where if I sit behind a tree for a while, the baby rabbits come out in the next field. Perhaps having a fence between us makes them more confident. They are really adorable, and perhaps a bit less wary that the older rabbits. I just wish they would come a bit closer to me.

This one reminds me of Little Grey Rabbit by Alison Uttley

And then one evening this older rabbit came out, much closer to the fence, and I managed to get a few shots before I think he heard my camera, and disappeared down his hole.

Perhaps photographing rabbits, not just involves getting close to the rabbits, but also getting the right light. On another evening the setting sun was lovely. But it would still be nice to get just a bit closer. I think if I just keep trying, they may get so used to the weird women behind the tree that they take no notice of me at all.

This last one I call the proud rabbit. He just sat still like this taking in the evening air for ages.

Just a reminder that there is still plenty of time left to join in my Ginx Woolly Linx party for May. Click on the photo above or at the top of the page to find the party. I would love to see what you have been working on this month.